My Projects

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Here's a selection of some recent projects. For more up to
the minute projects you can visit me on GitHub.


Billboard to Spotify

Python/ Web Scraping(BeautifulSoup)

Takes top 100 songs from date in past to create a spotify playlist. It
first scrape the Billboard for top 100 songs. It then uses O-Auth as a mode
of authorisation using the special python module called Spotipy.

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Workout Tracker

Python/ Sheety API/ Nutrionix API

It is based on OPENAI GPT-3 model. It takes input in the form of simple english
text. Itthen extract the data from it using Nutrionix and store the data in sheets using Sheety.
It also tells you the calories that you burned so that you can enjoy that icecream you
wanted for a long time.

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Snake Safari

Python/ Turtle Graphics

Welcome back to the 2000s! Enjoy this classic snake game build
with Turtle graphics and try to beat my Highest Score. This game uses
one of the core concepts of any programming language, OOPS.

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Flash Card App


Want to improve your French Vocabulary!? You're at the right place.
Now you can learn 100+ words through this flash card method. You're given
3 seconds to guess the meaning of the French word on your screen and
based on your guess, if it is correct or not, app will show you new words.

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I can help.

I am currently available for collaboration and freelance work.

I am currently learning Python and Web Development. If you have a
project that you want to get started, think you need my help with something
or just fancy saying hey, then get in touch.

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